@makilovinglife, 10. červen 2016, Instagram

Protein rich dinner, super easy to prepare... Just fry lightly an onion with a leek, add a garlic and fry for another minute, then transfer the mixture into an ovenproof dish and add salt and pepper to taste. Cover with sliced tomatoes, add a peas and pour an eggs mixture over it. For an egg mixture, mix eggs with a little bit of milk and sour creme, salt, pepper and paprika, chives and grated parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes on 180 degrees Celsius. ----- Rychla vecere bohata na proteiny. Osmahnete cibulku spolecne s porkem, pak pridate cesnek a jeste minutku opekate. Dochutite soli a peprem a presunete do zapekaci misy. Na to date vrstvu naplatkovanych rajcat, pridate hrasek a prelijete vajicky, ktera smichate s trochou mleka a zakysane smetany, soli, peprem a sladkou paprikou, pazitkou a parmazanem. Pecete na 180 stupnu 30 minut. ----- #weightloss #wholefoods #eatclean #eathealthy #realfood #instafoodcz #instafood #fitfood #fitlife #healthyfood #healthylife #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthyfoodporn #healthyfoodshare #cleaneating #vegetarian #jimezdrave #dnesjem #dnesjim #prkynko #omelette #omeleta




