@ohmychefcz, 10. listopad 2017, Instagram

Gothaj is a Czech salami that was widely popular during communist era. The typical way of eating it was in a pub, accompanied by onions, vinegar and of course, beers. Some people joke that it’s the Czech mortadella (not even close, although it does look a bit alike). When we were asked to create a recipe with this specific salami, we were just laughing for a while. It’s really a challenge, as cooking from products that are already cooked and ready to eat is quite complex. Can you think of anything else than placing the salami on a piece of bread? Lol. Anyway, after some brainstorming, we figured we could create a twist of the retro pub dish and make a luxurious carpaccio. The only thing is, there is no beef fillet involved. AHA! Link is in profile. ................................. Když jsme byli oslovení, abychom vytvořili recept z gothaje, chvíli jsme se tomu jenom smáli. Pak jsme si ale řekli, že je to parádní výzva: z hotových produktů jako jsou uzeniny se prostě vaří dost špatně a vymyslet něco jiného než chleba se salámem je docela oříšek. Napadlo mě, že bychom si z toho mohli udělat trošku srandu a vyrobit luxusní carpaccio. Jen místo svíčkové tu máme tentokrát gothaj. Ha! Link je v profilu. ................................. #picoftheday #food #foodie #foodlover #foodgasm #foodporn #carpaccio #gothaj #mujolympus #olympuspen #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #chefstalk #foodblogger #foodphotography #foodstyling #chef #cheflife #czech #prague #czechcuisine #czechblogger #czech_insta #igerscz #dnesjem #prkynko