@makilovinglife, 2. srpen 2016, Instagram

I needed to process green beans from this year's harvest (we have like tons of them) and so I decided to make this Veggie Paella by Ella Woodward (@deliciouslyella ). It's cooked in coconut milk which gives it a really unique flavour. It's from her second cookbook and it's super easy to make. What is your favourite meal with green beans? I still have lots of them to process so I'll appreciate any inspiration :) ----- Letosni uroda fazolek je opravdu bohata, v lednici jich mame asi tunu, tak jsem se rozhodla udelat tuhle zeleninovou paellu z druhe knizky od Elly Woodward. Uvitam jakykoliv tip na jidla se zelenymi fazolkami, u nas uz probehly na smetane, s rajcaty, ted tohle... Mam taky kilo v mrazaku 😳 Zitra asi budou zapecene s nejakou dalsi zeleninou.. Uvidime. ----- #weightloss #wholefoods #realfood #eatclean #eathealthy #instafood #instafoodcz #prkynko #paella #fitfood #fitlife #greenbeans #fazolky #healthyfoodshare #healthyfoodporn #healthylifestyle #healthychoices #veganfoodshare #veganfoodporn #cleaneating #jimezdrave #dnesnim #dnesjem