Not all healthy meals are full of colours. This dinner - wild/black rice with marinated grilled mushrooms, inspired by Anna Jones - was a bit dark but still full of minerals (especially zinc and iron) and vitamins (E in rice, B and D in mushrooms). Did you know that mushrooms belong to the strongest antioxidants? Do you like mushrooms? 🙂 ----- Ne vsechna zdrava jidla hyri vsemi barvami. Tahle vecere - cerna/divoka ryze s marinovanymi grilovanymi houbami - je ponekud temna, ale presto plna mineralu (zvlaste zinku a zeleza) a vitaminu (E v ryzi, B a D v houbach). Vedeli jste, ze houby patri mezi nejsilnejsi antioxidanty? Mate radi houby? 🙂 ----- #weightloss #eatclean #eattolive #eathealthy #realfood #instafood #instafoodcz #mushrooms #houby #portobello #chestnut #prkynko #fitfood #fitlife #healthyfood #healthyfoodporn #healthyfoodshare #healthylifestyle #healthychoices #cleaneating #veganfoodporn #veganfoodshare #vegetarian #dnesjim #dnesjem #jimezdrave