@makilovinglife, 24. únor 2016, Instagram

Carrot salad with spring onion, some herbs, lime juice and roasted salted peanuts. I roasted the peanuts myself - it's really easy and you avoid a palm oil doing it yourself (store bought salted peanuts usually contain palm oil). Just mix well the peanuts with a little olive oil, and mix it all with salt. Roast in 175 deg. Celsius for about 13 minutes. Transfer the roasted peanuts on a paper towel and let cool. This salad will serve as a perfect detox meal - just leave out the peanuts if you want to use it that way. ----- Mrkvovy salatek s jarni cibulkou, bylinkami a limetkovou stavou, posypany solenymi prazenymi arasidami. Arasidy jsem si uprazila sama, je to velmi jednoduche a vyhnete se tak palmovemu oleji, ktery obvykle je obsazen v kupovanych arasidach. V misce dobre promichejte arasidy s olivovym olejem, tak, aby byly vsechny orisky obalene, pak pridejte sul a dobre promichejte. Pecte na 175 stupnu cca 13 minut - dejte pozor, aby se nespalily - je to hned. Hotove nasypte na papirovou uterku - orisky se tak nezapari a nezmeknou. ----- #weightloss #eatclean #eattolive #eathealthy #realfood #instafood #instafoodcz #fitfood #detox #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #veganfood #vegetarian #vegansofig #veganfoodshare #healthyfoodporn #healthyfoodshare #prkynko #jimezdrave


