It's that time of the year again, we made two jars of wild garlic pesto and now I jist have to come up with some ideas how to use it. I've only been using it for pasta and as a spread on toasted bread. Any other tips? ----- Stejne jako loni touto dobou je cas nasbirat medvedi cesnek a udelat z nej pesto. Nas je z Divoke Sarky. Jak nejradsi jite pesto? Ja znam zatim jen s testovinami a na topince. Nejake dalsi tipy? :) ----- #weightloss #wholefoods #realfood #eatclean #eattolive #eathealthy #instafoodcz #instafood #dnesjim #pesto #wildgarlic #fitlife #fitfood #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthyfoodshare #healthyfoodporn #cleaneating #veganfoodshare #veganfoodporn #vegetarian #vegan #prkynko