@makilovinglife, 1. duben 2016, Instagram

I've had a wisdom tooth extraction few days ago so I've had to rely on mushy and "rather soft" food - not a big deal for me really 😎 This meal is super popular among Czech children - a semolina pudding, usually served with sweetened cocoa powder, sugar and melted butter, but I upgraded it a little - used banana, raw cacao powder, cinnamon, coconut and honey instead of sugar. No butter for me please. So good! ----- Dnes k obedu krupicova kase - po trhani osmicky idealni 😊 Misto granka, cukru a masla jsem pouzila banan, kakao, skorici, kokos a med. Nic extra, ale vonelo to krasne 😌 ----- #weightloss #wholefoods #eatclean #eathealthy #realfood #prkynko #instafoodcz #instafood #fitfood #fitlife #healthyfoodporn #healthyfoodshare #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #vegetarian #jimezdrave #dnessnidam